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  2. 2025年度入試からのトランスジェンダー学生(性自認による女性)の受験資格について

この基本方針は、1900年から女性に高等教育の学びの場を提供してきた本学の伝統を継承する、「Tsuda Vision 2030」のモットー「変革を担う、女性であること」を推進することでもあり、同時に、多様な価値観の共生を目指す社会の構築に貢献することでもあります。本学は、多様な女性の学ぶ権利を守り、共に学ぶ環境を整えてまいります。


津田塾大学 学長 髙橋 裕子

Eligibility of transgender students (identifying as women) as of the 2025 entrance examinations

Tsuda University has made it a basic policy to respect diversity among women starting from the 2025 entrance examinations (for students who will be admitted in April 2025), and has decided to allow transgender students (with the gender identify of women) and wish to study at a women’s university to be eligible to take the examinations at all undergraduate and graduate faculties and schools.

This basic policy, carrying on the tradition of providing higher education for women since 1900, embodies the motto of Tsuda Vision 2030, which is “Empowering Women to Make a Difference.” At the same time, it also contributes to the construction of a society that enables the coexistence of diverse values.

Tsuda University will continue to protect the right of diverse women to study and will create an environment where all women can learn together.

How can we promote understanding throughout society that there is diversity in gender? Through the process of embracing this diversity, we will empower a variety of marginalized women and support them in moving forward with sincere confidence in their own abilities. We believe that this is the mission of women’s colleges and universities in the 21st century.

Yuko Takahashi
President, Tsuda University


津田塾大学 経営企画課

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