
-津田塾大学と Bryn Mawr College の絆を通して考える 21 世紀における女子大学の意義-

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  2. 創立120周年記念シンポジウム「変革を担う、女性であること」
津田梅子が二度目の留学(1889-1892)で Bryn Mawr College に学んだことをきっかけに、津田塾大学と Bryn Mawr College はその絆を深めてきました。本シンポジウムでは、津田塾大学創立 120 周年を記念し、 日本・アメリカにおいて高等教育を通して女性リーダーを輩出してきた両校の歴史を振り返りながら、変革 期の社会を見据え、女子大学の意義について考えていきます。さらに、津田塾大学と Bryn Mawr College に 関係する女性リーダー達を迎え、女子大学のさらなる発展に向けて、現状の課題やそこで必要とされる教育 のありかたについて意見交換をします。



   小舘 亮之 津田塾大学副学長(広報・学生担当)、創立120周年記念事業出版・イベント分科会長

  ・Kimberly Wright Cassidy  Bryn Mawr College学長
  ・Emily Murase 元サンフランシスコ女性地位推進局局長
    with Kenji G. Taguma 日米ウィークリー編集長


   高橋 裕子(津田塾大学学長)
   飯野 正子(一般社団法人津田塾大学同窓会会長)
   野口 啓子(津田塾大学学芸学部英語英文学科教授)

   早川 敦子 津田塾大学副学長(教学・国際担当)


【共催】津田塾大学 ダイバーシティセンター・フォー・インクルーシブリーダーシップ(DCfIL)
    津田塾大学 女性研究者支援センター
津田塾大学創立120周年記シンポジウムのチラシ 津田塾大学創立120周年記シンポジウムのチラシ



Kimberly Wright Cassidy
Kimberly Wright Cassidy has served as President of Bryn Mawr College since 2014. A developmental psychologist, Cassidy served as the College’ s Provost from 2007-2013, and has been a member of the Psychology Department since 1993.

Cassidy has promoted academic innovation and has partnered with faculty to develop new multi- and interdisciplinary academic programs and to advance new approaches to teaching in a liberal arts context.

Cassidy led development of Excellence in Action, a strategic vision for Bryn Mawr’ s undergraduate college, as well as initiatives to enhance the College’ s distinctive, select graduate programs. She has also forged a broad institutional commitment to advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity.

Cassidy is a public advocate for gender equity, with a focus on equity issues in STEM disciplines and workplaces.

She earned her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and bachelor’ s degree with distinction in psychology from Swarthmore College.

Emily Murase
Dr. Emily Murase is a third-generation Japanese American whose career has been dedicated to gender equity, ending violence against women, and international relations. For the past 15 years, Dr. Murase served as Director of the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women for the City and County of San Francisco where her pioneering work earned recognition from the UN Institute for Research and Training, Ms. Magazine, and members of the California State Legislature. She secured over $10 million in federal, state, and private grants to end domestic violence and human trafficking. Active in her children’s education, Dr. Murase became the first Japanese American to be elected to the San Francisco Board of Education in 2010 and served two terms, including as President. There, she formally reversed the infamous 1906 school board policy that segregated Japanese and Korean students from other students and led to an international dispute later resolved by the controversial Gentleman’s Agreement limiting Japanese immigration to the U.S.

Previously, she was an award-winning account executive for AT&T Japan Network Systems, supporting $25 million in joint development projects between AT&T Bell Labs and Nippon Telephone & Telegraph. Then, she was appointed Director for International Economic Affairs at the inaugural National Economic Council/National Security Council in the first Clinton White House. As a member of the International Bureau of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, she served as a member of the U.S. delegation to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum Telecommunications Working Group. In 2013, she was selected as a member of the Japanese American Leadership Delegation led by U.S.-Japan Council President Irene Hirano Inouye, meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, and other political and business leaders. Later, Dr. Murase hosted First Lady Akie Abe for her historic visit to San Francisco in 2015. As US-Japan Council Regional Chair, 2017-2019, she organized study sessions focused on Womenomics and launched Japanese Americans and Japanese in American (JAJA) Northern California in partnership with Japanese Consul General Tomochika Uyama. As a Board Member of the San Francisco-Osaka Sister City Association (2005-present), Dr. Murase chaired the Student Ambassador Program (2010-2012). As a Visiting Professor of Osaka University, she delivered an annual lecture on gender equity to undergraduates (2015- 2020). For over a decade, she has led a San Francisco delegation to the UN Commission on the Status of Women meetings and presented regularly to numerous international delegations hosted by the U.S. Department of State on strategies for advancing gender equity (2005-2020).

A member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Soroptimist International San Francisco, she serves as North American Coordinator for the International Alliance of Women and advisor to the United Nations Association of San Francisco. Raised in San Francisco Japantown, Dr. Murase has had a lifetime of experience with key community organizations, including as a hot meals volunteer for Kimochi Senior Services, a magazine writer for the Japanese Community Youth Council, a Troop Leader for the San Francisco Buddhist Church Girl Scouts, and a board member for the Japanese American Citizens League San Francisco Chapter.

Dr. Murase holds a BA from Bryn Mawr College, a master's in International Pacific Affairs from UC San Diego, and a PhD in communication from Stanford. She resides with her husband in San Francisco where they raised their two now adult daughters Junko and Izumi.

Kenji G. Taguma
President, Nichi Bei Foundation
Editor-in-Chief, Nichi Bei Weekly

Award-winning journalist Kenji G. Taguma, a native of Sacramento, Calif., is the founding president of the Nichi Bei Foundation. As the Nichi Bei Times was closing in the summer of 2009, he led the movement to create the Nichi Bei Foundation, an educational and charitable nonprofit organization which launched the first nonprofit ethnic community newspaper of its kind in the country, the Nichi Bei Weekly.

The Nichi Bei Weekly represents the third incarnation of a legacy of community leadership through media that began with the Nichi Bei Shimbun published from 1899-1942 by Kyutaro Abiko and Yona (Tsuda) Abiko — the younger sister of Tsuda College founder Umeko Tsuda — and the Nichi Bei Times, which was founded in 1946 to get the Japanese American reconnected after their wartime incarceration in American concentration camps. Leaders of the postwar Nichi Bei Times included Shichinosuke Asano, a protégé of the first commoner prime minister of Japan Takashi “Kei” Hara, and Yasuo Abiko, the only child of Kyutaro and Yona Abiko and Umeko Tsuda’s nephew.

Currently, Taguma serves as the President of the Nichi Bei Foundation, the Editor-in-Chief of the Nichi Bei Weekly, and the Executive Producer of the Foundation’s Films of Remembrance, an annual showcase of films related to the Japanese American incarceration during World War II. He previously served as the English section editor and vice president of the Nichi Bei Times — Northern California’s oldest Japanese American newspaper at the time — until that publication folded in 2009.

Prior to his work at the Nichi Bei Times, Taguma was the Community Information Officer at the Sacramento Human Rights/Fair Housing Commission. In October of 1998, Taguma received the distinguished Alumni Honors Award from California State University, Sacramento.

In 1999 Taguma received the Community Service Award from New California Media for an article that documented the struggle for redress by Japanese American railroad and mine worker families, whose family heads were fired from their jobs during World War II at the hands of the U.S. government. Less than two months after the story ran, the victims were granted redress from the U.S. government.

In 2004, Taguma helped to lead a team of Nichi Bei Times staff members who put together a joint Japanese-English series dealing with the issue of whether or not Japanese Americans had a responsibility to serve as a bridge between U.S.-Japan relations, as well as dealing with the issue of cross-cultural communications between English-speaking and Japanese-speaking members of the community. That series won the 2005 Grand Prize Award from the Overseas Japanese Press Association in Tokyo, Japan.

In 2013, he was awarded a Consul General Award from Consul General of Japan in San Francisco Hiroshi Inomata, for his “distinguished achievements in contributing to mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and California,” the youngest to ever earn the award in the region.


高橋 裕子
津田塾大学英文学科卒業。筑波大学大学院(国際学修士)、アメリカ・カンザス大学大学院にてM.A.及び Ph.D.を取得。桜美林大学専任講師・同助教授を経て、1997 年から津田塾大学専任教員。2016 年より同大学長。専門はアメリカ社会史(家族・女性・教育)、ジェンダー論。
著書に『津田梅子の社会史』(玉川大学出版部、2002 年、アメリカ学会清水博賞)等。International Federation for Research in Women’s History会長、ジェンダー史学会副代表理事、日本学術会議会員、日本私立大学連盟常務理事、国立大学法人東京工業大学経営協議会委員、内閣府男女共同参画局男女共同参画推進連携会議議員、外務省日米教育委員会日本側委員、公益財団法人大学基準協会理事、IDE 大学協会理事等。

飯野 正子
著書に『日系カナダ人の歴史』 (東京大学出版会、1997年)(カナダ首相出版賞受賞)、『もう一つの日米関係史-紛争と協調のなかの日系アメリカ人』 (有斐閣、2000年)等。一般社団法人津田塾大学同窓会会長および学校法人津田塾大学理事。

野口 啓子
著書に、『後ろから読むエドガー・アラン・ポー 反動とカラクリの文学』(彩流社 、2007年)等。日本ポー学会副会長。




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2021年度 津田梅子記念会&ホームカミングデー

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